The Islamic City Councils formerly known as the Provincial councils are local councils which are elected by public vote in all cities and villages throughout Iran. Council members in each city or village are elected by direct public vote to a 4-year term.

According to article 7 of the Iranian Constitution, these local councils together with the Majlis (Parliament) are "decision-making and administrative organs of the State".

The councils are in charge of electing mayors, supervising the activities of municipalities; study of social, cultural, educational, health, economic, and welfare requirements of their constituencies; the planning and coordination of national participation in the implementation of social, economic, constructive, cultural, educational and other welfare affairs.

Persian Constitutional Revolution passed a law on local governance known as "Ghanoon-e Baladieh". The second and third articles of the law, on "anjoman-e baladieh", or the city council, provide a detailed outline on issues such as the role of the councils in the city, the members' qualifications, the election process, and the requirements to be entitled to vote. Baladieh, or the modern municipality in Iran was established in 1910, to cope with the growing need for the transformation of city structures.

The Islamic City Council of Yazd is the directly elected council that presides over the city of Yazd, elects the Mayor of Yazd in a mayor–council government system, and budgets of the Municipality of Yazd.

The council is composed of 11 members elected on a Plurality-at-large voting basis for four-year terms. The Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the Council are chosen by the council at the first regular meeting in odd-numbered years. It holds regular meetings on Saturdays and Wednesdays with 5 commissions holding weekly sessions.